In commemoration of this special day, I thought I'd share two fun cupcake decorating ideas with you that you can simply do with some store-bought cake mix, frosting, and food coloring. Let's be honest - how many of us actually make our own cake mixes on a regular birthday basis?
For my birthday last year, I was surprised with some super cute Addie-and-Daddy-made "M&M" cupcakes:

Such a fun idea! When I asked "why M&Ms?", my handsome hubby said, "oh, I guess because they're my favorite candy - you like them too, right?". How I adore that man!
The next cupcake idea was inspired by a painter's palette. I whipped these up for one of multiple celebrations of our little gal's first birthday.

They ended up more "pastel" than the picture I modeled them after and I used a wooden cutting board instead of a real painter's palette, but they were tasty and adorable all the same.
Do you have any fun cupcake decorating ideas? We're mega cupcake fans in this household, so do share!
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