1 Loaf of French breach (I like the Pillsbury French Bread that you toss in the oven and bake fresh)
Apricot Preserves (I used Smuckers Peach Apricot Preserves...Orange Marmalade would also be good)
Blue Cheese Crumbles
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Prep a large baking sheet by covering in foil.
2. Slice baked bread into thin slices and place on baking sheet. Spread butter over bread and toast in the oven for a few minutes.
3. Remove bread once butter has melted, then spread generous amount of preserves over each slice and sprinkle blue cheese crumbles on top. Place back in oven for a few more minutes, until the blue cheese melts a bit. (You can put it under the broiler if you're short on time...just watch them carefully!)
4. Serve warm and enjoy!
What are your favorite quick bites to prep for friends over the holidays??

Um yeah, this is totally up my alley! Yum!!!
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